In this sequel to Taylor's lyrical series debut, Agony Hill, Detective Frank Warren and his forme...
'Taylor presents an appealingly nuanced twist on the traditional police procedural.' -The Washing...
Descendants1 - 3 BOX (DVD) 3Disc Die Nachkommen, Min: 316 DD5.1 WS
Unser bisheriger Preis:ORGPRICE: 14,99 €
'With its evocative Dublin setting, lyrical prose, tough but sympathetic heroine, and a killer tw...
In the follow up to the critically acclaimed The Mountains Wild, Detective Maggie D'arcy tackles ...
'With its evocative Dublin setting, lyrical prose, tough but sympathetic heroine, and a killer tw...
'The bucolic setting, emphasis on family and leisurely pace make for a nice end run around tradit...
'Taylor presents an appealingly nuanced twist on the traditional police procedural.' -The Washing...
'The bucolic setting, emphasis on family and leisurely pace make for a nice end run around tradit...
Set in rural Vermont in the volatile 1960s, Agony Hill is the first novel in a new historical ser...