The sequel to 'Father of Lies,' a darkly disturbing occult horror novel.Following the hypnosis ...
MagdaA Darkly Disturbing Occult Horror Trilogy - Book 3The dark and twisted community of Woodsend...
A Haunting New Supernatural Thriller by the author of Bestselling Occult Horror Trilogy, 'Father ...
Este libro explora la dinámica de los movimientos sociales garífunas y su migración transnacional...
This book analyzes the scope and dynamics of violence against women in Guatemala as well as how i...
A darkly chilling supernatural horror novel.With no known identity or family, Ruby is the most ...
Este libro explora la dinámica de los movimientos sociales garífunas y su migración transnacional...
Born of the union between African maroons and the Island Carib on colonial St. Vincent, and later...
Based on two years of fieldwork in Honduras and New York, this study examines not only the transn...