This book explores the application of machine learning to the understanding, early diagnosis, and...
Contents: V. Zingel, C. Leschke and W. Schunack: Developments in research on histamine (H1) recep...
Before the modern age of medicine, the chance of surviving a terminal disease such as cancer was ...
A Short Collection of Proverbs from India
The success of pre prosthetic surgical preparation depends on careful evaluation and treatment pl...
Le succès de la préparation chirurgicale pré-prothétique dépend d'une évaluation et d'une planifi...
El éxito de la preparación quirúrgica preprotésica depende de una cuidadosa evaluación y planific...
O sucesso da preparação cirúrgica pré-protética depende de uma avaliação cuidadosa e do planeamen...
Il successo della preparazione chirurgica pre-protesica dipende da un'attenta valutazione e piani...
Der Erfolg der präprothetischen chirurgischen Vorbereitung hängt von einer sorgfältigen Beurteilu...
The constantly evolving healthcare industry has experienced tremendous technological advancements...
The constantly evolving healthcare industry has experienced tremendous technological advancements...