The book highlights how technologies including artificial intelligence and machine learning are t...
Perhaps nothing characterizes the inherent heterogeneity in embedded sys tems than the ability to...
It is a well written, well illustrated book which, to a great extent, will help postgraduates und...
Mango (Mangifera indica L.)is the most popular and the choicest fruit produced in the tropical an...
This book presents the select proceedings of the International Conference on Structures, Material...
The peptide based antimicrobial defense is an evolutionarily ancient mechanism of host defense, f...
Welcome to the Second International Conference on Contemporary Computing, which was held in Noida...
O AVC é um início agudo de disfunção neurológica devido a uma anormalidade na função cerebral com...
Ein Schlaganfall ist eine akut auftretende neurologische Funktionsstörung, die auf eine Störung d...
L'ictus è un'insorgenza acuta di disfunzione neurologica dovuta ad un'anomalia nella funzione cer...
L'accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) est l'apparition aiguë d'un dysfonctionnement neurologique d...
Insul't - äto ostroe nachalo newrologicheskoj disfunkcii wsledstwie narusheniq funkcii golownogo ...