The emergence of nanoscience and nanotechnology in the last decade presents opportunities for exp...
A simple and green chemical reduction method to the synthesis of chitosan capped cupric oxide (Cu...
The starch capped Ag nanoparticles were obtained by the chemical reduction of AgNO3 and they were...
Les nanomatériaux ferrites ont des applications dans la fabrication d'aimants permanents, d'écran...
Nanomaterialy ferritow nahodqt primenenie w proizwodstwe postoqnnyh magnitow, magnitoopticheskih ...
Os nanomateriais ferritas têm aplicações na fabricação de ímanes permanentes, ecrãs magnéticos, a...
Los nanomateriales de ferrita tienen aplicaciones en la fabricación de imanes permanentes, pantal...
Nanomaterialien aus Ferriten finden Anwendung bei der Herstellung von Dauermagneten, magnetooptis...
Le ferriti nanomateriali hanno applicazioni nella realizzazione di magneti permanenti, display ma...