Discover security posture, vulnerabilities, and blind spots ahead of the threat actor KEY FEATUR...
Dieses Buch gibt einen prägnanten Überblick über die Schlafphysiologie und die Veränderung des Sc...
This book covers the applications of fungi used in biorefinery technology. As a great many differ...
Written by Mr. Samir Vasant Wankhede ,who has completed his from 'National institute of Te...
Este Livro dá uma visão concisa da fisiologia do sono e de como o sono muda ao longo da expectati...
This book explores contesting identities, international politics, migration and democratic practi...
The national development is based on the system of education which communicates to its youth and ...
Early and accurate diagnosis of brain lesion are vital for determining accurate treatment and pro...
In this book, several methods for mammogram segmentation, based on pixel intensity, have been pre...
A biopsy sample is usually taken to detect cancerous cells. The biopsy sample is sliced into thin...
Este libro da una visión concisa de la fisiología del sueño y de cómo el sueño cambia a lo largo ...
The Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY), a centrally sponsored scheme of Ministry of the ...