Restorations are placed and replaced to restore the anatomical form of teeth. With the increasing...
In modern dentistry, the worldwide use of resin-based composites continues to increase, and in so...
The greatest issue in dental treatment is the 'fear of pain' but with the advent of lasers it has...
The ultimate test of an esthetically pleasing restoration is the achievement of a natural visual ...
Occlusion, good or bad, is the result of an intricate and complicated synthesis of genetic and en...
The best plan for success is to begin with the end in mind. Before initiating treatment, the prac...
Endodontic surgery has now evolved to endodontic microsurgery. It has revolutionized the way surg...
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The dentinal fluid is an integral part of tooth structure. The fluid transport system of the toot...
Biomimetik ist ein aufstrebendes interdisziplinäres Feld, das Informationen aus dem Studium biolo...
La biomimetica è un campo interdisciplinare emergente che combina le informazioni provenienti dal...
La biomimétique est un domaine interdisciplinaire émergent qui combine l'information provenant de...
Biomimetika - äto razwiwaüschaqsq mezhdisciplinarnaq oblast', kotoraq ob#edinqet informaciü iz iz...