Acclaimed author Sally Denton brings to life every dimension of the extraordinary Helen Gahagan D...
In September 1857, a wagon train passing through Utah laden with gold was attacked. Approximately...
An anarchist assassin, demagogues, and a plotted coup d'état-the forgotten history of the forces ...
Written for Higher Education managers and administrators, A Practical Guide to University and Col...
Las Vegas-the name evokes images of divorce and dice, gangsters and glitz. But beneath it all is ...
In the 1850s, Jean Rio, a deeply spiritual widow, was moved by the promises of Mormon missionarie...
John Charles Frémont was the illegitimate child of a Virginia aristocrat and a working-class Fren...
Written for the Higher Education manager, this is a highly accessible text that offers practical ...
Come and see the circus! A combination of artwork and photographs show children some of the thing...
The inside story of the Bechtel family and the empire they’ve controlled since the construction o...
In viewing the borders and boundaries that exist between human settlement and the natural environ...
A harmless, unassuming caravan of women and children was ambushed by masked gunmen in northern Me...