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  1. 01.10.2019

    Tourism is highly vulnerable to climate change while at the same time contributing to it. Threats...

    39,90 €
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  2. 07.10.2020

    The modern world, with its different sectors having integrated together in terms of its revelatio...

    54,90 €
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  3. 09.09.2021

    Après l'indépendance, le gouvernement indien avait une considération dominante pour les grands in...

    54,90 €
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  4. 09.09.2021

    Após a independência, o Governo da Índia teve uma consideração dominante pelos grandes investimen...

    54,90 €
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  5. 09.09.2021

    Dopo l'indipendenza, il governo dell'India aveva una considerazione dominante per i continui gran...

    54,90 €
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  6. 31.08.2021

    After independence, the Government of India had dominant consideration for the continuous large i...

    54,90 €
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  7. 19.10.2021

    Nach der Unabhängigkeit hatte die indische Regierung vorrangig die Absicht, kontinuierlich große ...

    54,90 €
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  8. 09.09.2021

    Después de la independencia, el Gobierno de la India tuvo una consideración dominante para las gr...

    54,90 €
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  9. 06.06.2022

    Der Fischereisektor in Indien und Kerala ist zwar leistungsfähig, steht aber vor ernsten Herausfo...

    54,90 €
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  10. 06.06.2022

    Il settore della pesca in India e nel Kerala, pur registrando buoni risultati, si trova ad affron...

    54,90 €
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  11. 06.06.2022

    Le secteur de la pêche en Inde et au Kerala, bien que performant, est confronté à de sérieux défi...

    54,90 €
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  12. 06.06.2022

    El sector pesquero de la India y de Kerala, aunque funciona bien, se enfrenta a graves problemas ...

    54,90 €
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