Image processing is a set of activities that perform several operations such as enhancement, segm...
Pharmacovigilance (PV) is the science relating to the detection, assessment, understanding and pr...
Practical Immunology: A Laboratory Manual deals with techniques involved in basic and applied imm...
A study on functioning of contract broiler Ffrms in and around Puducherry (India) was carried out...
V ätoj knige obsuzhdaütsq poslednie razrabotki metodow zelenogo sinteza i ih primenenie w razlich...
Das Wachstum und die Vermehrung von Pflanzenfressern wird sowohl durch die Qualität der Pflanzen ...
La crescita e la riproduzione degli erbivori sono limitate sia dalla qualità delle piante sia dal...
El crecimiento y la reproducción de los herbívoros se ven limitados tanto por la calidad de las p...
La croissance et la reproduction des herbivores sont limitées à la fois par la qualité des plante...
O crescimento e reprodução de herbívoros é limitado tanto pela qualidade das plantas como pela pr...
Rost i razmnozhenie trawoqdnyh sderzhiwaetsq kak kachestwom rastenij, tak i hischnichestwom so st...
The growth and reproduction of herbivores is constrained by both plant quality and predation by h...