This book is an introduction to TBL for health profession educators.The book provides readers wit...
Although eating problems--ranging from body dissatisfaction and dieting to anorexia nervosa or bu...
This volume provides step-by-step instruction in creating a Team-Based Learning (TBL) module or c...
Die Männer und Frauen des Navy Judge Advocate General's Corps (JAG) sind zurück und beweisen auch...
'Die Erfolgsserie JAG kehrt mit Schallgeschwindigkeit zurück. In dieser Season sind Harm (David J...
Although eating problems--ranging from body dissatisfaction and dieting to anorexia nervosa or bu...
Making a commitment in advance to buy vaccines if and when they are developed would create incent...
This volume demonstrates how incentives can improve the delivery and use of health services in lo...
JAG meldet sich mit der achten Season zurück. Unterstützt durch Scott Lawrence als Sturgis Turner...