Wie wir lernen, Mitgefühl im Alltag zu entwickelnSeit einigen Jahren versteht die westliche Wisse...
CFT leicht gemacht von Russell Kolts gibt Ihnen eine zugängliche Anleitung an die Hand, wie Compa...
Experiencing Compassion-Focused Therapy from the Inside Out
Previously published: London: Constable & Robinson Ltd., 2013 under the title 'Living with an ope...
This user-friendly guide to the basics of Buddhist psychology presents a roadmap specifically des...
An invaluable self-help guide for recognising personal anger problems, what lies behind that ange...
For therapists wishing to build their skills in compassion-focused therapy (CFT), this powerful w...
This user-friendly guide to the basics of Buddhist psychology presents a roadmap specifically des...
Learn how to control your anger and stop letting it control youAnger is one of the most difficult...
Compassion-focused therapy (CFT) is extremely effective in helping clients work through painful f...
Manual clínico de terapia centrada en la compasión