When Verdetta Maille, aged 84, finds an ancient codex at the local used bookstore, she decides to...
A Dark Romance with a new kind of Devil: When Lucifer hunts for a bride, the original bad boy doe...
Vella is a succubus who's terrible at her job. Starving and in need of essence, assigned only one...
A nice girl from New Jersey and an ancient Armenian mythological monster- can their love survive ...
When Signe's work life falls into shambles, she decides to move to Marseille and study French. On...
Two Vampires, one villain, and Fate...Rudolpho and Sylvie meet on the edge of a cliff. That's whe...
Lucifer- he's one of the two most powerful forces in existence, but after marrying Rose in a cele...
Kellen needs to earn some money if she's to return home for Christmas. Unfortunately, the only pl...
One god, searching for his beloved, though the world is wide and time is long...Once upon a time,...
Booker is an unlikely werewolf. For one thing, he's far more lawyer than wild alpha. For another,...
Lussi, the Winter Witch of Norway, has a problem with chaos. She doesn't want to steal children, ...
Meet Rutledge: he's tall, dark, devastating, and deadly. He's also one of the finest punisher dem...