The book explores high-performance architectures for data-intensive applications, as well as effi...
'This book provides insights on how deep learning, together with IOT, will impact various sectors...
Deep learning, as a recent AI technique, has proven itself efficient in solving many real-world p...
Computer architectures describe how a computer's hardware components are connected, as well as th...
Las arquitecturas informáticas describen cómo están conectados los componentes de hardware de un ...
As arquiteturas de computador descrevem como os componentes de hardware de um computador são cone...
Computerarchitekturen beschreiben, wie die Hardwarekomponenten eines Computers miteinander verbun...
Le architetture di computer descrivono come i componenti hardware di un computer sono collegati, ...
Les architectures informatiques décrivent comment les composants matériels d'un ordinateur sont c...
Komp'üternye arhitektury opisywaüt sposoby soedineniq apparatnyh komponentow komp'ütera, a takzhe...
This book explores how to use generative adversarial networks in a variety of applications and em...
This book explores many significant topics in biomedical engineering and bioinformatics in an eas...