This anthology features 20 original stories of murder by acclaimed and award-winning science fict...
Rosemary Edghill cast a keenly observant, friendly, yet faintly amused eye on an intriguing Ameri...
Delve into the DreamThe Realm of the Goddess is vast. From mythology to legend to modern retell...
DELVE INTO THE DREAM AGAINForget what you think you know of the God. This anthology will take you...
From the ashes of humiliation, can true love bloom?When dashing and audacious Lord Severn takes p...
Somebody had nailed Moke Rahone to his Desk. . . .Moke Rahone'd been human, and someone had butch...
Archangel Blues is the senses-shattering conclusion to the award-winning Hellflower Trilogy. In o...
At the close of a disappointing London Season, Lady Juliette Devereaux accepts an invitation to a...
TWO SHIPS SAT ON THE FIELD They was 'leggers and pirates equipped with the standard box of tricks...
When an orphaned cloth merchant's daughter needs the best husband money can buy and an impoverish...
Two of the biggest names in the urban fantasy sub-genre present a volume of all-new urban fantasy...
New York Times-bestselling author Lackey and coauthor Edghill deliver the 10th installment of the...