There Is No Making It Out is an archival, revisionist rhetorical historiography and pedagogically...
There Is No Making It Out is an archival, revisionist rhetorical historiography and pedagogically...
THE BEST OF THE JOURNALS IN RHETORIC AND COMPOSITION 2015-2016 represents the result of a nationw...
Edited by Romeo García, Iris D. Ruiz, Anita Hernández and María Paz Carvajal RegidorWORKING AND W...
El presente documento compendia la información sobre los métodos y técnicas utilizados en la inve...
Este documento resume informação sobre os métodos e técnicas utilizados na investigação jurídica,...
This document summarises information on the methods and techniques used in legal research, especi...
Ce document résume l'information sur les méthodes et les techniques utilisées dans la recherche j...
Dieses Dokument fasst Informationen über die Methoden und Techniken zusammen, die in der juristis...
Questo documento riassume le informazioni sui metodi e le tecniche utilizzate nella ricerca giuri...
A Global Analysis of Sites, Practices, and Processes of Decolonial and Indigenous Meaning-Making
De relatos e imágenes nacionales : las derechas españolas, siglos XIX-XX