A journey through IT history explaining why SDLC Waterfall Model is Software Engineering and AGIL...
'This is the first book anyone interested in software design , development or business software m...
This book covers using C# Mono with the Qt framework in great detail. It will be of great use to ...
Frontmatter -- TEIL I: MODALE AUSSAGENLOGIK -- Kapitel 1: Der nicht-modale Aussagenkalkül (AK) --...
Take a walk forward from the days of paper tape and punched cards through to today and learn ther...
This book shows the nitty gritty of developing with Qt using PostgreSQL, Firebird, and SQLite dat...
Tim O'Reilly just wanted to get away. He desperately needed to try to get his head back together....
2018 was a tumultuous year in global politics. Starting with the rise of the Lega Nord in Italy a...