The present book discusses about the inherent need of the metal ions in metabolic reactions. It c...
Geography encompasses a wide area of study; each section deserving an entire volume to itself. Th...
Electrochemical oxidation(EC) treatment of 4-chlorophenol was investigated by using a dimensional...
In this report research was done to find a polymer suitable to replace die cast aluminum and magn...
The focus of this report was to convert CO2 into a valuable product from a biogas stream, which w...
The book is designed to aware community on preparedness and mitigation of earthquake. Generally e...
L'objectif de ce rapport était de convertir le CO2 en un produit de valeur à partir d'un flux de ...
Cel'ü dannogo otcheta bylo preobrazowanie CO2 w cennyj produkt iz potoka biogaza, kotoryj byl pol...
El objetivo de este informe era convertir el CO2 en un producto valioso a partir de una corriente...
O objetivo deste relatório era converter o CO2 num produto valioso a partir de um fluxo de biogás...
Der Schwerpunkt dieses Berichts lag auf der Umwandlung von CO2 in ein wertvolles Produkt aus eine...
L'obiettivo di questa relazione è stato quello di convertire la CO2 in un prodotto di valore da u...