Furious economic growth and social change resulted in pervasive civic conflict in Imperial German...
The German Empire has been the focus of enormous historical interest, particularly during the las...
This book explores the impact of the First World War on Imperial Germany and examines military as...
This volume analyses the First World War in light of the concept of 'total war'.
The essays in Anticipating Total War explore the discourse on war in Germany and the United State...
This volume analyses the First World War in light of the concept of 'total war'.
The essays in this collection, the fourth in a series on the problem of total war, examine the in...
In deference to the principle that total war requires total history, Roger Chickering traces the ...
Roger Chickering offers the most comprehensive history ever written of a German city at war.
This volume presents the results of a fifth and final conference on the history of total war. It ...
This book explores the impact of the First World War on Imperial Germany and examines military as...
This volume presents the results of a conference on the history of total war.