This volume offers rare insights into the connection between young audiences and the performing a...
This volume offers rare insights into the connection between young audiences and the performing a...
The time returns. We are the ones we have been awaiting. Wisdom is timeless and returns periodica...
Holding up the device Jondra said, 'This is the Golden Disc of Ra - the Healing Bomb from our hom...
The last two decades have seen major advances in the legal protection of the human rights of wome...
A women's adventure set in the time of the Third Crusade.Nobility of Blood is no longer powerful....
A women's adventure set in the time of the Third Crusade.Nobility of Blood is no longer powerful....
The time returns. We are the ones we have been awaiting. Wisdom is timeless and return periodical...
Eight studies (plus a substantial introduction and afterword) present key topics for understandin...
Growing out of a series of judicial colloquia organized by the Commonwealth Secretariat, this com...