The world does not need a world government to govern itself. Roberto Mangabeira Unger argues that...
From Simon & Schuster, Knowledge and Politics by Roberto Mangabeira Unger is a philosophical clas...
From Simon & Schuster, Passion: An Essay on Personality is Roberto Mangabeira Unger's famous thes...
Fazer filosofia, para Roberto Mangabeira Unger, é pensar radicalmente. É insistir em tratar dos a...
This book analyzes how increases in international trade, finance, and production have altered vot...
Revolutionary account of the transformative potential of the knowledge economy A revolutionary pr...
A new philosophy of religion for a secular worldHow can we live in such a way that we die only on...
This selection of key texts from Roberto Mangabeira Unger's three-volume Politics presents an exp...
Roberto Mangabeira Unger brings together his work in legal and social theory.
Volume 3 of Politics, a work in constructive social theory.
The Civil Rights and feminist movements of the sixties did not leave legal theory untouched. Over...