When Viking Prince Asgar's mother disappears and his life is in danger, he sets off on a quest to...
As the colonies continue their battle for independence, Ambrose and John Clark, 15-year-old twins...
When Revolutionary War Patriot Lamberton Clark is shot by the British, he enlists his twin 14-yea...
Safe at Home is a heartwarming story about Trevor, an 11-year-old boy whose aged great-grandfathe...
Hitting Glory: A Baseball Bat Adventure
A young boy lands a dream job for the Cincinnati Reds where he becomes witness to a baseball reco...
When Revolutionary War Patriot Lamberton Clark is shot by the British, he enlists his twin 14-yea...
As the colonies continue their battle for independence, Ambrose and John Clark, 15-year-old twins...
He had a dream--to play in the NBA. Only there was one small problem... he was an elf. And elves ...
Based on actual people, this third book in the American Revolutionary War Series tells about 16 y...