This book offers a unique perspective for understanding how and why the Second World War in Europ...
When Germany launched its blitzkrieg invasion of France in 1940, it forever changed the way the w...
¿ Essential background to the German blitzkrieg of World War II ¿ Complements the stories of panz...
This study provides a tactical, strategic, and operational view of the interwar German army as a ...
This volume analyzes the development of tanks and traces their history from the British attack at...
El modo alemán de hacer la guerra : de la Guerra de los Treinta Años al Tercer Reich
The Wehrmacht's Last Stand is a gripping account of German military campaigns during the final ph...
A prize-winning historian chronicles the weakening Germany army in 1943, now fighting on the defe...
For Hitler and the German military, 1942 was a key turning point of World War II, as an overstret...
La Werhmacht se retira : luchando una guerra perdida, 1943
On August 17, 1942, twelve Boeing B-17 Flying Fortresses of the United States Eighth Air Force ca...