Autsch, da steckt der große Zeh in der Mausefalle ... Michel aus Lönneberga ist ein Lausejunge, d...
This book engages critical theorist and philosopher Herbert Marcuse's urgent call to imagine a be...
This book contributes five novel tenets for building a critical theory of leadership studies. Dra...
This provocative and accessible narrative recounts the inside story of how a broad-based people's...
This book contributes five novel tenets for building a critical theory of leadership studies. Dra...
This volume focuses on the social, cultural, and ecological consequences of a political economy o...
This book develops Marcuse's critique of advanced industrial society and deploys it as a lens to ...
This book develops Marcuse's critique of advanced industrial society and deploys it as a lens to ...
Der 60. Geburtstag von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rudolf Steckel ist Anlass, sein bisheriges berufliches Sch...
Robert Lafont Zeit seines Lebens widmete sich Robert Lafont der Erforschung und Rehabilitation de...