The persisting bacterial presence, together with a lack of thoroughly hermetic seal between the p...
A well compiled book and a must read for every orthodontist. It contains almost everything you wa...
This is the first-ever study which compares the efficacy of PROBIOTICS and FLUORIDES in reducing ...
This book is basically based on the development of a low cost energy harvester. It focuses on the...
A number of surgical procedures have been advocatedfor the reconstruction of defects in the oral ...
Un libro ben compilato e una lettura obbligata per ogni ortodontista. Contiene quasi tutto ciò ch...
Ein gut zusammengestelltes Buch und eine Pflichtlektüre für jeden Kieferorthopäden. Es enthält fa...
Un livre bien compilé et à lire absolument par tout orthodontiste. Il contient presque tout ce qu...
Um livro bem compilado e uma leitura obrigatória para todos os ortodontistas. Contém quase tudo o...
Horosho sostawlennaq kniga, obqzatel'naq k prochteniü dlq kazhdogo ortodonta. Ona soderzhit prakt...
Un libro bien compilado y de lectura obligada para todo ortodoncista. Contiene casi todo lo que s...
Dies ist die allererste Studie, die die Wirksamkeit von PROBIOTICS und FLUORIDES bei der Senkung ...