Learn the extensibility model of Visual Studio to enhance the Visual Studio integrated developmen...
Master Visual Studio extensibility for an enhanced Visual Studio IDE experience. This book is a c...
Long before you could imagine the earth was home of not the one or two but thousands of mysteriou...
The book provides an in-depth exploration of the Compulsory Registration Order (CRO) framework, e...
El libro explora en profundidad el marco de la Orden de Registro Obligatorio (OCO), dilucidando s...
O livro fornece uma exploração aprofundada do quadro da Ordem de Registo Obrigatória (ORC), eluci...
Das Buch bietet eine eingehende Untersuchung des Rahmens für die obligatorische Registrierung von...
Il libro fornisce un'esplorazione approfondita del quadro dell'Ordine di Registrazione Obbligator...
V knige podrobno rassmatriwaetsq sistema obqzatel'nogo registracionnogo predpisaniq (CRO), raskry...
Ce livre propose une exploration approfondie du cadre de l'ordonnance d'enregistrement obligatoir...