This third issue of Down & Out: The Magazine features a new Jim Brodie story by Barry Lancet, who...
We know a healthy appetite for well-written short stories exists and we want to help make things ...
When a potential client walks into your office with a unique first edition copy of Edgar Allan Po...
Issue four closes our exciting first year with the very talented debut of Arthur Klepchukov. His ...
In a career spanning nearly four decades, Bill Crider published more than sixty crime fiction, we...
'Rick Ollerman's detailed critical essays, written about both modern and classic crime writers, h...
Picking up from where our last issue left off, we have another group of crime stories written esp...
Jeff Prentiss's life is a mess. As a homicide detective working in St. Petersburg, he knows he's ...
Edited by Rick Ollerman. Alphabetical list of contributors: Scott Adlerberg, Eric Beetner, Kristi...
Denim, Diamonds and Death offers a fine collection from authors supporting the 50th Anniversary o...
There are a number of noteworthy articles in this issue of The Magazine. We are fortunate to feat...
In this issue, pioneering TV writer and producer April Kelly opens with a wicked story that may r...