'DeMarinis is a wizard shaking to its literary roots the short-story genre.' Matthew Gilbert, Bos...
Borrowed Hearts traces the development of Rick DeMarinis's incantatory voice, including newer wor...
Despite the world's insecurities, the most common drama of all is not of apocalypse now, but of a...
The Art & Craft of the Short Story explores every key element of short fiction, including story s...
'A study of political manners and debauchery masquerading as pulp fiction, DeMarinis shows us a w...
Gus Reppo's parents have everything figured out for their son, right down to the county where the...
Now in paperback, The Year of the Zinc Penny is a contemporary classic. Trygve Soren Napoli is a ...
Uriah Walkinghorse wähnt sich mit Midlife-Crisis in der Sackgasse. Einst als Bodybuilder noch als...