Das 'Second Book of Go' von Richard Bozulich ist ein Weltbestseller der Go-Literatur, der endlich...
Opening and Middle Game Go Problems for Kyu Players presents 200 problems of positions that regul...
This book is written for players who have acquired an understanding of therules of go and some o...
How do you win a won game?How do you win a lost game?Study the endgame! More specifically, stu...
The techniques of attacking, along with tesuji and life-and-death, are part of the middle game, b...
Good shape is a subject that has received scant attention in Japanese go literature. Although ref...
This book is the third volume of the series The Road Map toShodan. Part One is intended as an in...
This book features the first five games of the historic ten-game match between Gu Li and Lee Sedo...
Aji, Kikashi und Sabaki sind wichtige Konzepte im Go. Sie bereichern die strategischen Feinheiten...
During the opening stages of the game the players stake out positions and more or less divide the...
Go is played on a very large board, consisting of 361 playing points. During the opening phase, t...
Tesujis are skillful moves that accomplish some clear tactical objective, such as capturing stone...