Written with scurrilous bravura, Richard Bean's great sweep of a comedy follows a pair of star-cr...
Includes the plays Toast, Mr England, Smack Family Robinson, and Honeymoon Suite'Suddenly with fo...
Richard Bean's English version of The Servant of Two Masters is set in Brighton in the 1960s. Cen...
'I'm a scientist. I don't 'believe' in anything.'The study of climate science is the cool degree ...
Social, racial and sexual schisms render the once paradisiac island into a hotbed of discord and ...
Richard Bean's fast and furious new play is an anarchic and foul-mouthed satire about the press, ...
Richard Bean's fast and furious new play is an anarchic and foul-mouthed satire about the press, ...
Reprint of the original, first published in 1841.
Reprint of the original, first published in 1841.
The sixth collection of plays from award-winning playwright Richard Bean, including the world-con...
The new collection from Richard Bean, one of Britain's leading playwrights and the fastest-sellin...
The new collection from multi-award-winning playwright Richard Bean. Contains the plays, Great Br...