The story of Lear, the old chieftain, who divides his kingdom among his three daughters is the mo...
What connects Marliyn Monroe, Disneyworld, 'The Satanic Verses' and cyber space? Answer: Postmode...
Beginning with an argument in a street in Venice, the grudges and passionate jealousies that fuel...
Illustrated by leading UK manga artists, this series feeds into the growing popularity of manga w...
One of Shakespeare's greatest and, in recent years, most controversial plays. After borrowing a l...
Shakespeare turned a tale of unrequited love, family dispute and fatal shipwreck into a miraculou...
This manga recreation of Shakespeare's text transfers the action from Ancient Rome to a future Ir...
The Beginner Books -- 'Their cartoon format and irreverent wit make difficult ideas accessible an...
Freud revolutionized the way we think about ourselves. His psychoanalytic terms such as Id, Ego, ...
Illustrated by leading UK manga artists, this series feeds into the growing popularity of manga w...
This book focuses on Kant's principal formal concepts: the relation of mind to sensory experience...
Camus, Hayatin, yasanmasi icin bir anlami olmak zorunda midir diye sorar ve absurdu varolusculugu...