A travel guide to hauntings and the haunted, to lands with their own power, and to the communitie...
100 years after Karel Capek coined the word, “robots” are an everyday idea, and the inspiration f...
Twenty-three stories from one of speculative fiction's up-and-coming stars, Pushcart and Journey ...
'Yorick never wanted to see his homeworld again. [Twenty] years later, he finds himself sent back...
We have always fought. War is the furnace that forges new technologies and pushes humanity ever o...
Includes extras: author interview, excerpts from Cypher, book two of the violet wars, One of us b...
Best of Apex Magazine: Volume 1
Science fiction authors offer original tales of relationships in a future world of evolving techn...
This is a collection of the best science fiction stories set on planet Earth published in 2023 by...