Viral Odes is a witty collection of poetry gathered during the 2020 Covid-19 crisis. Faced with t...
We fall into the new only when we learn how to give up what is old and which no longer works in o...
This book is about life and love. Letters written to a much-adored person, filled with unconditio...
Pearl On A Summer Leaf; An autobiographical collection(The Expanded Edition)Pearl On A Summer Lea...
Have you ever plucked a wildflower? They start to wilt because your hands gave them no choice. Th...
Swallowing The Moon(The Extended Version - 2024)Ever tried Swallowing The Moon? It is is not prac...
Yellow Drops Of Stardust is a celestial collection of today's modern poetry, calligraphy, photogr...
Godzillion Worlds: A poetic collection of universes that exist beyond us
Monsoon Tales: through the lens of my 9th floor in Bangalore