Der amerikanische Soziologe Randall Collins untersucht die realen Welten der menschlichen Zwietra...
This sequel to Randall Collins' world-influential micro-sociology of violence introduces the ques...
Das ökonomische System des Kapitalismus wird kollabieren, weil negative Konjunkturzyklen und poli...
In Does Capitalism Have a Future?, a global quintet of distinguished scholars cut their way throu...
In Part 1 of Civil War Two, President Jennings tried to Make America Christian Again. The Secular...
President Joshua Maccabee Jennings has just taken office, vowing to Make America Christian Again....
In Max Weber: A Skeleton Key Randall Collins gives a concise overview of the work of one of socio...
A new interpretation of Weberian sociology, showing its relevance to current world isues.
In Max Weber: A Skeleton Key Randall Collins gives a concise overview of the work of one of socio...
This sequel to Randall Collins' world-influential micro-sociology of violence introduces the ques...