When a patient has no alternative towards treatment of disease then Magnetic microspheres come in...
This book presents the fundamentals of Non Destructive Testing with special emphasis on one of th...
In 1959, the late Nobel Prize winning physicist Richard P. Feynman presented a talk entitled 'The...
Anxiety is an exaggerated feeling of apprehension, uncertainty, and fear. It is an unpleasant sta...
The anomalies of head and neck are extremely vast and varied. The prevalence of craniofacial synd...
Satinder Kakar is a research scholar at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Jayoti Vidyape...
Open-field Crop Residue Burning (CRB) is a major environmental issue at global level. CRB is one ...
Facial trauma also called maxillofacial trauma is any physical trauma to the face. Anatomic struc...
Les anomalies de la tête et du cou sont extrêmement vastes et variées. La prévalence des syndrome...
As anomalias da cabeça e do pescoço são extremamente vastas e variadas. A prevalência de síndrome...
Le anomalie della testa e del collo sono estremamente vaste e varie. La prevalenza delle sindromi...
Die Anomalien im Kopf- und Halsbereich sind äußerst umfangreich und vielfältig. Die Prävalenz kra...