Over use of agro-chemicals over several decades has adversely affected soil fertility, crop produ...
In data mining, Association rule mining is one of the popular and simple method to find the frequ...
Mobile Ad-hoc network (MANET) has become particularly vulnerable to intrusion, as they operate in...
Doctoral Thesis Dissertation from the year 2020 in the subject Computer Science - Commercial Info...
The proposed algorithm is based on Area of Triangle method with fuzzy classification. Consider th...
This textbook introduces the clinical applications of biomolecules in disease diagnosis, covering...
A utilização excessiva de agro-químicos ao longo de várias décadas afectou negativamente a fertil...
Der jahrzehntelange übermäßige Einsatz von Agrochemikalien hat sich negativ auf die Bodenfruchtba...
L'uso eccessivo di prodotti agrochimici nel corso di diversi decenni ha influito negativamente su...
Chrezmernoe ispol'zowanie agrohimikatow w techenie neskol'kih desqtiletij negatiwno skazalos' na ...
El uso excesivo de productos agroquímicos durante varias décadas ha afectado negativamente a la f...
This book contains many important new results on the theory of wavelet transform, such as its rel...