Accountability involves control and answerability, often relating to sanctions having personal co...
Many countries have been facing the problems of land degradation triggered by natural as well as ...
This book entitled 'Nitrogen level on alternaria leaf blight in radish' is mainly focusing on how...
Having taught the course related to Soil Physics for B.Sc.Ag. students for few years, we felt the...
Extending dry season cultivation of lowland rice and increasing climate change phenomenon has inc...
Environmental Governance is considered as one of the priority actions for achieving environmental...
Fields once infected with the Clubroot pathogen remain so indefinitely and become almost unfit fo...
Sustainable increase in agricultural production relies on the optimum use of available resources,...
The research design adopted in this study consists of descriptive, correlation and causal compara...
This book examines clean energy investment needs and financing gaps in Asia and the Pacific and d...
This report reviews the energy landscape in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka with ...
Viele Länder sind mit den Problemen der Bodendegradation konfrontiert, die sowohl durch natürlich...