Present work is based on design & Analysis of a connecting rod used in an internal combustion eng...
The book covers application of various machine learning methodologies such as Support vector mach...
Un texte complet et autonome couvrant le principe des systèmes de gestion de l'énergie. Il fourni...
Um texto abrangente e auto-contido que cobre o princípio dos sistemas de gestão de energia. Forne...
Ein umfassender, in sich geschlossener Text, der die Prinzipien von Grid abdeckt. Es bietet Grund...
Despite the success of prevention, and the improvement in dental health, the need for removal of ...
Vseob#emlüschij samodostatochnyj text, ohwatywaüschij princip sistem uprawleniq änergiej. On obes...
A comprehensive self contained text covering principles of grid . It provides basics approach for...
This book explores the changing nature of international law and its ability to respond to the con...
Ein umfassender, in sich geschlossener Text, der die Prinzipien von Energiemanagementsystemen abd...
Un testo completo e autonomo che copre il principio dei sistemi di gestione dell'energia. Fornisc...
A comprehensive self contained text covering principle of energy management systems. It provides ...