Seit Drachenmann Gigantolos an einer Drachengrippe gestorben ist, ist Drachendame Gertrud untröst...
Are you ready to move to Amazon's public cloud? Find all the information you need to deploy SAP o...
Drug Delivery and Biomedical Applications of Porous Silicon-Based Nanocarriers delivers an up-to-...
This open access book explores key issues and presents recent case studies in areas of importance...
The purpose of Narrating the New Nation is to engage with South African Indian writings through a...
South Asia is home to a large number of languages and dialects. Although linguists working on thi...
Spiders are potential predators of insects feeding on rice and help in maintaining their populati...
The forest soil supports a complex of animal communities of which soil arthropods are of prime im...
South Asia is home to a large number of languages and dialects. Although linguists working on thi...
South Asia is home to a large number of languages and dialects. Although linguists working on thi...