This book draws on the authors' industry and academic expertise to explain the theory and practic...
In the field of IT, cloud computing introduces a new era. Almost every part of the IT depends on ...
This book highlights key recent developments in air conditioning technologies for cooling and deh...
This book highlights key recent developments in air conditioning technologies for cooling and deh...
No campo das TI, a computação em nuvem introduz uma nova era. Quase todas as partes das TI depend...
En el campo de las TI, la computación en nube introduce una nueva era. Casi todos los ámbitos de ...
Im Bereich der IT leitet das Cloud Computing eine neue Ära ein. Fast jeder Teil der IT hängt von ...
Nel campo dell'IT, il cloud computing introduce una nuova era. Quasi tutti i settori dell'IT dipe...
Dans le domaine de l'informatique, l'informatique dématérialisée ouvre une nouvelle ère. Presque ...