How are the rising mutual concerns of Asian and European countries shaping their approaches to th...
This book presents perspectives by eminent economists, social scientists and policy makers, explo...
In diesem Kapitel werden die Hintergrundinformationen zu den in der vorliegenden Forschungsarbeit...
Questo capitolo presenta le informazioni di base sulle questioni da considerare nel presente lavo...
Ce chapitre présente les informations de base sur les questions à prendre en compte dans le prése...
V ätoj glawe predstawlena sprawochnaq informaciq po woprosam, kotorye budut rassmotreny w nastoqs...
En este capítulo se presentan los antecedentes de las cuestiones que deben considerarse en el pre...
Este capítulo apresenta a informação de base sobre as questões a serem consideradas no presente t...
This book presents the background information on the issues to be considered in the present resea...
The investigations presented in this book, primarily computational, pertain to rheology, transpor...
This book presents perspectives by eminent economists, social scientists and policy makers, explo...
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