Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia which is incurable. Although some kinds o...
Tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterial infection which spreads through the lymph nodes and blood stream...
Ageing is a syndrome of changes that are deleterious, progressive, universal & thus irreversible....
Tuberkulez (TB) - äto bakterial'naq infekciq, kotoraq rasprostranqetsq cherez limfaticheskie uzly...
La tuberculosis (TB) es una infección bacteriana que se propaga a través de los ganglios linfátic...
Tuberkulose (TB) ist eine bakterielle Infektion, die sich über die Lymphknoten und den Blutkreisl...
A tuberculose (TB) é uma infecção bacteriana que se propaga através dos gânglios linfáticos e da ...
La tuberculose (TB) est une infection bactérienne qui se propage par les ganglions lymphatiques e...
La tubercolosi (TB) è un'infezione batterica che si diffonde attraverso i linfonodi e il flusso s...
Zika virus is a mosquito based flavivirus which is currently main attention of pandemic and publi...
El virus del Zika es un flavivirus transmitido por mosquitos que actualmente es objeto de pandemi...
Virus Zika - komarinyj flawiwirus, kotoryj w nastoqschee wremq nahoditsq w centre wnimaniq pandem...