A supercapacitor, also called an ultracapacitor, is a high-capacity capacitor with a capacitance ...
Een supercondensator, ook wel ultracondensator genoemd, is een hoge capaciteitscondensator met ee...
Superkondensator, takzhe nazywaemyj ul'trakondensatorom, predstawlqet soboj kondensator bol'shoj ...
Lektine sind Proteine oder Glykoproteine nicht immunen Ursprungs, die in Tieren, Pflanzen und Mik...
Lectins are sugar-binding proteins that are highly specific for their sugar moieties. They play a...
Lectinas são proteínas ou glicoproteínas de origem não imune que apresentam ampla distribuição em...
Un supercondensateur, également appelé ultracondensateur, est un condensateur de haute capacité d...
Le lectine sono proteine o glicoproteine di origine non immunitaria che hanno un'ampia distribuzi...
Plant lectins are a heterogeneous group of proteins or glycoproteins that share in common their a...
Supercapacitor, zwany równie¿ ultrakondensatorem, to kondensator o du¿ej pojemnöci, o wartöci poj...
Ein Superkondensator, auch Ultrakondensator genannt, ist ein Hochkapazitätskondensator mit einem ...
Medicinal plants are being used in traditional treatments to cure variety of diseases from thousa...