This groundbreaking volume gathers an international team of historians to present the practice of...
The remarkable life of the Italian Jesuit Matteo Ricci, one of the most famous missionaries of al...
This is an updated synthesis of the scholarship on the history of Catholicism from the sixteenth ...
A comprehensive account of Jewish-Gentile relations in central Europe from the fifteenth to the e...
This volume sheds new light on the practice of translation as part of cultural history.
This 2002 collection of outstanding essays sheds new light on the paradox of the strictly Calvini...
The essays examine the role of economics, politics, social organization, language, and religion i...
This 2002 collection of outstanding essays sheds new light on the paradox of the strictly Calvini...
This is an updated synthesis of the scholarship on the history of Catholicism from the sixteenth ...
A Companion to the Early Modern Catholic Global Missions
This authoritative volume presents the history of Christianity from the eve of the Protestant Ref...
The present volume is a result of an international symposium on the encounters between Jesuits an...