Increasingly, people working in teams face complex issues that need resolving in an efficient, pa...
To transform society, we first need to transform ourselves. The Courage to Lead starts from this ...
Assiégés par un nombre sans cesse grandissant d'informations facilement accessibles et pré-digéré...
Осаждаемые информационной перегрузкой книг, масс-медиа и Интернета, многие люди, особенно в своей...
Discusses the debate on the blacklist era and on aesthetic and political work of the Hollywood Le...
'At its essence, every organization is a product of how its members think and interact.' Senge, K...
Liderlik Cesareti Kendini Dönüstür, Toplumu Dönüstür
The Art of Focused Conversationis the comprehensive, best-selling, practical guide to group commu...