A network is a collection or set of computing devices connected to one another to establish commu...
In this system, there is presented a new class of hybrid AHt-MPSoC architecture in which hardware...
India is a largest producer of fruits and vegetables in the world. Fruits and vegetables are high...
The RST processor allocation method for MPSoCs with single-ISA heterogeneous multi-core architect...
The inter-subsystem communication structure can be optimized at the beginning of the design proce...
3D stacking of logic and memory devices is essential to keep the Moore's law ticking. In 3D integ...
This book deals with a network is a collection or set of computing devices connected to one anoth...
El método de asignación de procesadores RST para MPSoCs con arquitectura multinúcleo heterogénea ...
O método de atribuição do processador RST para MPSoCs com uma arquitectura multi-núcleo heterogén...
Die RST-Prozessorzuweisungsmethode für MPSoCs mit heterogener Single-ISA-Multicore-Architektur, d...
Il metodo di allocazione del processore RST per MPSoC con architettura multi-core eterogenea sing...
La méthode d'allocation de processeur RST pour les MPSoCs avec architecture multicoeur hétérogène...