This book describes in short all the forensic investigations for the detection of crimicals.It de...
Periodontics is a rapidly changing branch of dentistry with new scientific revelations unveiling ...
Trigeminal neuralgia is not the most common painful affliction of the face; however, it may be th...
This book describes the various methods of radiographs to be taken for the detection of criminals...
The book describes the various imaging modalities for the detection of soft tissue and hard tissu...
This book describes the radiological methods for the detection of the crime.The Chronological age...
The book describes about the anatomy of the trigeminal nerve its branches and its distribution to...
Periodontia é um ramo da odontologia em rápida mudança com novas revelações científicas que desve...
Die Parodontologie ist ein sich rasch wandelnder Zweig der Zahnmedizin, in dem neue wissenschaftl...
La parodontologie est une branche de l'odontologie qui évolue rapidement, les nouvelles révélatio...
La parodontologia è una branca dell'odontoiatria in rapida evoluzione, con nuove rivelazioni scie...
Parodontologiq - äto bystro menqüschaqsq otrasl' stomatologii, w kotoroj nowye nauchnye otkrytiq ...