This book is primarily intended to be a text book for Bachelor Master Degree students of Science,...
The earliest use of adhesives was discovered in central Italy when two stone flakes partially cov...
'Basics of Nano Composites' is structured to highlight the fundamental aspects of nano composites...
Mechanical Operation book provides the concepts of particle technology, industrial equipment and ...
Synthesis and Processing Techniques presents the subject with the aim of providing clear and suff...
Fundamentals of Material Science presents the subject with the aim of providing clear and suffici...
Nano - Python Programming Language for Automation present the subject with the aim of providing i...
Nanomaterials and Characterization present the subject with the aim of providing precise informat...
The science of nanotechnology involves the development of new materials with dimensions on the or...
Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies have been developed as a consequence of truly significant rece...
Fundamental of Bioscience presents the subject with the aim of providing clear and sufficient und...
Applications of Nanotechnology presents the subject with the aim of providing clear and sufficien...