Application of fractional order PID controller (FOPIDC) for reactive power compensation and stabi...
In ergonomics and occupational biomechanics, an understanding of human posture is significant dur...
This work is an attempt at fighting the social problems that women in genral and unwed mothers in...
Ergonomically designed work environment considers both psychological and physical needs of employ...
Women in unorganised sector are facing a myriad of problems in their daily life. They not only fa...
Over a decade, dentistry has become more cognizant of the extent to which behavioural factors suc...
Kalinga is a land of many couragious daughters who fought for freedom in an equal footing with me...
O ambiente de trabalho ergonomicamente concebido considera tanto as necessidades psicológicas com...
Un entorno de trabajo diseñado ergonómicamente tiene en cuenta las necesidades psicológicas y fís...
Un ambiente di lavoro progettato in modo ergonomico tiene conto delle esigenze psicologiche e fis...
Eine ergonomisch gestaltete Arbeitsumgebung berücksichtigt in der Entwurfsphase sowohl die psycho...
Un environnement de travail ergonomique prend en compte les besoins psychologiques et physiques d...