This book contains maximum ten chapters indicating the role of different phtyochemicals in manage...
The high price and environmental safety issues of conventional organic solvents have compelled th...
Studies hint at the presence of a discrete secondary layer of information hidden in the primary s...
Der hohe Preis und die Probleme mit der Umweltsicherheit herkömmlicher organischer Lösungsmittel ...
Il prezzo elevato e i problemi di sicurezza ambientale dei solventi organici convenzionali hanno ...
Os altos preços e as questões de segurança ambiental dos solventes orgânicos convencionais obriga...
De hoge prijs en de milieuveiligheid van conventionele organische oplosmiddelen hebben de farmace...
Le prix élevé et les problèmes de sécurité environnementale des solvants organiques conventionnel...
Wysoka cena konwencjonalnych rozpuszczalników organicznych oraz problemy zwi¿zane z ich bezpiecze...
El elevado precio y los problemas de seguridad medioambiental de los disolventes orgánicos conven...
This book discusses the major approaches, algorithms, and technologies used in automated face det...